With its three modes (story, survival, and challenge), The Long Dark offers several ways to approach the wilderness. Your overall goal depends on which mode you’re playing, but you’re primarily trying to stay alive with whatever resources you can find by searching, crafting, and hunting.
You micromanage every detail, which is overwhelming when learning the ropes, but enjoyable in the long run once you establish a rhythm.
Whenever one of these drops too low, you become at risk for hypothermia, illness, and even death. To survive, you need to keep a keen eye on your body temperature, hunger, thirst, and exhaustion. Every action has consequences – even sleeping. The Long Dark is about managing your time and resources, which makes for a tense trek across a beautiful, snow-blanketed wilderness known as the Great Bear. With its hyper-realistic mechanics, this difficult-but-satisfying survival game plunges you into the depths of a harsh Canadian winter.
Danger lurks around every corner, and you can succumb to death in even the calmest moments. If The Long Dark teaches you one thing, it’s that the wilderness is terrifying but beautiful.